The big family of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, YSU has held Syawalan on Sunday, July 8 2018. This Syawalan was held at the Banyu Mili Resto Restaurant, Jalan Godean, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman. The event starts at 09.00 WIB. The event guides for this program are Alexandria Jaya W, M.Eng and Amelia Fauzia H, S.Pd.
The event began with the opening and then a speech by the head of the department. Followed by the submission of mementos for retirement, namely Mr. Sunyoto and Mr. Setya Utama. Mr. Sunyoto advised in his speech that the citizens of the department should continue to make achievements, both seniors and juniors. The event was continued with the Syawalan Pledge which was uttered by all members of the Electrical Engineering Education Department and was followed by Hikmah Syawalan delivered by Bpk. Rosyid Muji Asmoro, S.Ag.
The event was closed with a prayer together guided by Bpk. Rosyid Muji Asmoro, S.Ag. The event was also enlivened by entertainment from a Solo Organ by Bpk. Sunomo.