Guest Lecture by Prof.Ting-Ting Wu, Ph.D. from National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Education is fundamental in the development of the nation's generation. Education trends in the future will not be separated from the element of technology. With the development of digital technology, what was once impossible has become possible. What used to be complicated is now easy. The most interesting thing about future education is that we can follow learning without being limited by space and time. The signs are already visible from now on.

On Friday, September 17, 2021, starting at 9 a.m. until the end, the Yogyakarta State University Undergraduate Electrical Engineering study program in collaboration with the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan held a Guest Lecture on "Trend Of Education Today and Future" with Prof. Ting Ting as the speaker Wu, Ph.D. and moderated by Dr. phil. Ir. Didik Hariyanto, S.Pd.T, M.T. It aims to increase and share knowledge, insight and discuss education trends today and in the future. This Guest Lecturing activity was held online which was attended by around 150 participants, both lecturers and students.

On that occasion Prof. Ting Ting stated that one of the educational trends in the future is to use e-book learning media. Prof. Ting Ting has conducted research on learning strategies that integrate e-books, reciprocal teaching (knowledge sharing) and mind mapping in classical Chinese text learning. Based on the results of the investigation on the integration effect of comprehensive reading, it was obtained information that high interactivity, e-book multimedia learning system will increase students' comprehensive reading level (in classical Chinese text learning). Based on the results of sharing knowledge, students in the experimental group will be more interested and willing to share knowledge with their partners compared to students in the control group. Based on the results of mind mapping scoring, information is obtained that by absorbing, internalizing and reconstructing texts as well as structured mind maps, students will increase their cognitive capacity to analyze and evaluate.

Guest Lectures like this must be held in the field of education to advance the quality of education in Indonesia in today's trends or in the future itself in order to be able to develop knowledge and understanding for Guest Lecture participants which were attended by 150 people. This Guest Lecture is needed to be able to produce advanced education in Indonesia in the future so that it can change education for the better.